Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sacred Prayer

This prayer was found in the tomb of our Lord Jesus Christ in the year 803 and was sent by the Pope to Emperor Charles on the eve of his departure to battle and he sent it to St. Michael in France. Whoever reads or wears this prayers shall never die a sudden death, be burned, drowned nor any poison have any effect on him. He will never be a prisoner of war, nor be vanquished. When a woman labors, let her wear it on her right side and she will deliver safely. When the child is born, pin this prayer on his right side. He shall not be troubled with any misfortune and be safely preserved of 82 accidents. Whoever carries this prayer with him, will never have any epileptic attacks and if you see anyone in fits, place this prayer on its right side and he will cured immediately. And thank God whoever writes this prayer for himself or for others will be "Blessed by the Lord".  They who pray or place this prayer in any house will be safely guarded of thunder and lightning; But whoever laughs at it will suffer, believe this for certain. It is as the Holy Evangelist had written it. Whoever prays this prayer everyday for himself shall have three days warning before his death by a Holy Sign.

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